Always open!
Monday & Thur Shacharit
7:20 am
Tues., Weds. & Friday Shacharit
7:30 am
Rosh Chodesh Shacharit
7:10 am
Monday - Thursday Mincha
1:40 pm
Friday Kabbalat Shabbat
Saturday Shabbat Service
9:30 am
The centerpiece of our unique Shabbat experience is the service. It is both instructional and traditional. Rabbi Glass makes the service accessible to the newest beginner while keeping it appropriate for the very observant. We make sure everyone knows where they are and understands the structure, while all participants are challenged to grow further. The Rabbi’s weekly messages are also designed to be understood by the novice while also holding interest for the more knowledgeable.
At Tribeca Synagogue, we are very aware that people lead very busy lives and that weekend time is precious. That makes it even more essential that we create a Shabbat experience that will be meaningful and significant every time they attend.

Each week after services we have a substantial Kiddush. Our community comes together to share a meal, schmooze, catch up and meet new people. It is an opportunity to share what is in our lives with friends. We talk about politics, science, art, family, school, ethics, and yes, even the meanings of Torah. We have such a good time we will often stay 3 hours or more!
We are always careful to provide for the dietary needs of vegetarians. (We are so grateful to our supervising chef and to our congregation’s many cooks who put together each week’s amazing offerings).
Our Kiddushim are amazing. They are for the community, but we cannot afford to hold them without our community’s support for the food and labor that they require.
Please contact the office to sponsor one or even a part of of our wonderful kiddushim.
Morning Minyan
The morning minyan is a time for davening and a place of community. Tribeca Synagogue holds the only daily minyan below the Village and west of Broadway. We meet at 7:20 A.M. Monday and Thursday and 7:30 A.M. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Services are followed by breakfast and a D’var Torah.
There are minyan “regulars” and other men and women who become regulars when they come to say Kaddish. The group is small but very diverse. We celebrate special occasions and mark Yarzheits together, and we are a close-knit group.