White Street Hebrew School provides families with the opportunity to give their children a Jewish education in a warm, intimate and creative setting.
The one-day-a-week school offers a thorough grounding in Jewish culture and knowledge, and fosters positive Jewish identification. Synagogue membership is welcomed but not required in order to attend Hebrew School.
The curriculum includes language skills in prayer-book Hebrew, familiarization with major prayers and blessings, as well as Jewish culture, holidays and rituals. Our younger students learn through a family-oriented model, while the older students have a creative and challenging curriculum. Our program currently includes pre-kindergarten through seventh grade, and is staffed by warm and caring teachers. Read more about our teachers below.
Classes are held on Tuesdays and start between 4:00 and 4:30. All students are welcomed with a snack. They then divide into small classes by age group, meeting for an hour and a half. Each class spends about half their time on Hebrew and the other half on Judaica and Israel. Our calendar includes holiday celebrations for Hanukah, and a model Passover Seder. Students might create special items to help celebrate holidays such as groggers before Purim or seder plates prior to Passover. We will have very special guests throughout the year and some delicious cooking classes.

Tuition Costs
To set up an appointment or to learn more about the program, contact the office at 212-966-7141 or email us at info@tribecasynagogue.org.
Meet the Team
Our Hebrew teachers are incredibly prepared and bring a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences, enriching our students' learning journey. Their passion for teaching and genuine care for each child create a nurturing environment where every student can thrive.
Learning with Rabbi
​Our sixth and seventh graders prepare for their Bar/Bat Mitzvahs through class from 4 to 5:30 P.M. At our shul, we believe that becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah is just that, a mitzvah. We strive to have each child fulfill this mitzvah in a way that utilizes the child’s abilities and meets the needs and desires of the child’s family while creating a sacred and meaningful event. We have a variety of different services that may be held at the synagogue. As you will see, we are open to creating the kind of program that is right for you. We look forward to exploring this process with your family and to enabling your child to fulfill this important mitzvah!
Experience adult Jewish education on Zoom
Rabbi Glass makes himself available for anyone who would like one on one study on the topic of your choice. The sessions can either be at the synagogue or at your downtown office.
Judges 7pm
Meeting ID: 8917 5669 188
Hebrew Reading 8pm
Meeting ID: 8692 3378 168
Portion of the Week 7pm
Meeting ID: 823 5350 2275
Individual Study