Sukkot at Tribeca Synagogue
Wednesday, Night October 16th​
Eruv Tavshilin (Put away a matzah and egg)
Evening services 6:00 pm
Dinner 7:00 pm
Thursday, October 17th
Morning services 9:30am
Evening services 6:00pm
Dinner 7:00pm
Friday, October 18th
Morning services 9:30am
Candle lighting 5:52pm
Evening service 6:00pm
Saturday, October 19th
Morning services 9:30am
Afternoon service 1:00pm
Shabbat ends 6:50pm
Sunday, October 20th
Morning services 8am
Monday, October 21 and Tuesday, October 22
Morning services 7:10am
(breakfast in the Sukkah)
Wednesday, October 23
Hoshana Rabah
Morning services 7am
Evening services 5:45pm
Thursday October 24th
Morning services 9:30am
Farewell to the Sukkah 5:30pm
Evening service 5:45pm
Party and Dancing 6:15pm
Friday October 25th
Simchat Torah
Morning services 9:30am